
How does your religion/spiritual beliefs recommend you find the truth of how things are?

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  1. Being a Hindu, the base for spiritualism was formed during my childhood days.The result was I found a real guru who guided me into spiritualism and I became a yogi at the age of only 25.

  2. you are asking me what is a good way to discover truth. to first discover truth, you must first discover a question you would like to be answered. if after searching your heart, you cannot find a question you want to be answered, then ask another person what questions they would like answered. perhaps they will tell you questions that they would like answered, that you decide you would like answered as well. once you have a question in your mind that you would like to answer, then the next step is to think about and observe your world in order to discover the answer to your question. two minds are better than one, so you may want to ask others for help in discovering the answer. tough questions are more easily answered when discussed with another person.

    good luck in finding the truth you seek

  3. Only through personal experience can you decide the truth.

    Religion and other people's wisdom can show the way, can even teach you, but to establish the truth for yourself you need to feel it, know it and believe it on a spiritual level.

  4. Only God can teach us the depths of God, the pure enlightened truth, the beauty of total love, the infinite nature of mercy and compassion..  We learn these things of God from God through the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:10-16.

  5. Surrender everything to whatever God there may be.

  6. Things are the way they are.The matter that needs sorting out is their a rule to the things that exist.Contrary to what many people believe, your search for truth is rather in vain. One can only be enlightened to truth, then you respond to it.You do not find it, it finds you.The peace that the Christian knows is do only to his or her surrender to what has been revealed as truth to them. It is really a very easy decision to choose Christ when you realize who He is and who you are not. But with that being said, it never hurts to ask blindly into the open air "Who are You?" The God of mercy and truth will not be offended at the serious seeker.

  7. yes, but not in a crowd, or being part of a flock or on a path of another with all respect to mentioned above...I would not say that it is a recommendation, it is a whole essence of any spiritual path..Religions in most cases condemn those who leaves religion nest...

  8. People have religion to have something to believe in. They want a reason for everything and why they exists. They want their own truth. To know why, how, when. I'm not putting down any religion but people want to have a reason for everything.  

  9. It doesn't. What I believe is the truth and few like it. It takes away their precious illusions and makes them face just what they are and why they are here. They learn how meaningless is their existence and how little they can do to alter this vast panorama we call life. How immaterial we are to the universe. And yet, how glorious is the fact that we prevail in face of it all.

  10. Empirical evidence.  Books of research, find out for myself; and that includes about religion.  I may not have PhD's in the subjects on which I choose to answer, but most of the books about those subjects, that I choose to answer, have been written by people with PhD's.  It has also been suggested to me, by several senior lecturers, that I should consider doing a PhD myself.  I'd rather read.

  11. You cannot derive truth from beliefs because beliefs cannot be shown to be true.

  12. It all depends on how religiously a person adheres to the spirit of truth as to how well one objectifies in reality.

  13. trial and error… lets try this… oh your crying… that wasn’t such a good idea… lets try it this way… ouch that does hurt… humm… maybe this wasn’t such a good idea… other times we ask others how they do things… but then we have to test their theories and we’re right back and the pain of it all… yes the pain tells us so… you know…

  14. searching for those things that are higher than what we perceive.

    to acknowledge that there is a Supreme Being that has created all.

    to listen; pray or meditate daily, hourly, moment by moment.

    to declare the truth to myself, and LIVE the Truth in my own life,for the truth without demonstration is unattainable.

    (one is always happy, it only takes making the choice to live so).

  15. my faith is in God and He tells me to find the Truth in His Son Jesus. His Son is The Way, The Truth and The Life. He leads me into all truth. God has given all who accept Jesus as their Saviour, the gift of His Holy Spirit and The Holy Spirit is my counsellor, my guide and my help. without God i would be lost, with God i am on the right path.

  16. By taking all things into consideration then silencing all around me to listen only to myself.  

  17. my "way" is to divest myself of the untruths...anything that separates me from life, from others, from the environment, from Source...all the conditioning and programming of a lifetime that have diverted from the Absolute...though it is a work in progress, this shedding of the lies that are too easily swallowed by human beings, it is, nevertheless, in progress, and for this i am humbly grateful...and, my own truth (forgive any subtle allusion to a separated ego) is that there is only now, Now, NOW, and this is where my attention must be constant allowing of what is as it is and continuous observation of the false personality's penchant for looking ahead and looking behind for definition and meaning is imperative, especially as all i need to know is right before me in every moment.

    i am Sirius  

  18. Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it.

    Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held.

    Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books.

    Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin.

    Believe nothing just because someone else believes it.

    Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true

    Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.

    "God writes straight with crooked lines". It is when you follow those crooked lines over time and see that they were for the best - that is when you truly learn to trust in the hand of Spirit guiding you.

    These are some of the benefits of meditation:

    1.Improved concentration - A clear mind makes you more productive, especially in creative disciplines like writing.

    2.Less bothered by little things - Do you sometimes allow yourself to get upset by little things? It is the nature of the mind to magnify small things into serious problems. Meditation helps us detach. We learn to live in the here and now, rather than worrying about the past or future. We do not worry about meaningless things, but see the bigger picture.

    3.Better Health - There have been numerous studies pointing to the health benefits of meditation. The reason is that meditation reduces stress levels and alleviates anxiety. If we can reduce stress, many health benefits follow.

    4.Knowledge of Self - Meditation enables us to have a deeper understanding of our inner self. Through meditation we can gain a better understanding of our life’s purpose.

    Love & Blessings


  19. it answered all my questions and drew my attenntions to many others , it guides me for what i want and the most above all to know about God, it is sological and simple , that is hardly to doubt!

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