
How dose a hydrogen generator installed in your car for around 800 bucks work?

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How dose a hydrogen generator installed in your car for around 800 bucks work?




  1. If you mean the silly little things that hook into your car's electrical system then it's a scam.

    I have a long post to show why it can't and won't work and will post it again if you wish, just post an edit.

  2. careful that's explosive

  3. You plug it into your house electrical supply and pour in some water. 800 seems a bit cheap. You need a hydrogen burning engine. You wouldnt want to have this in a garage, if you smoke you are going to kill yourself :) 20 thousand seems more reasonable to get the car on the road fueled by hydrogen. the aftermarket hydrogen fuelcell alone is ridiculous.

    Edit Putting hydrogen into your gas tank will LOWER your gas milage and make it likely your car will blow up.

  4. It is a scam .

  5. It's a difficult way to power an automobile, and if you try to use the engine's own electrical system to dissociate water you'll use more gasoline than you save.  While an engine can run fairly well on hydrogen, and it can be made safe, the stuff is generally unpleasant to deal with because it leaks out of things so easily and has a bad effect on iron and steel.  Moreover, you have to feed an engine a lot of hydrogen to get any reasonable amount of power: like ethanol, it doesn't burn very hot and thus doesn't provide much energy.  

    The more you fool with alternative fuels, the better gasoline looks.

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