
How dose one fight an eviction?

by  |  earlier

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My nephew and I were givien and eviction notice from the public housring unit that we live in.

We are being evicted because I am homeless and he took me in.

I had no place else to go but they don't care.

I am not going to sleep in the street just to accommadate their rules

So i need to know how to fight it in a legal manner.

How do I do that?




  1. How did they find out you were living with them? I don't know if there is anything you or he can do. I'm sure in his contract when he moved it it said he couldn't have other's living with him for various reasons. If he didn't sign a contract to agree to the fact that he can't let others live with him, then you can fight the eviction. Otherwise you can't if he agreed to such rules.  

  2. you have no case.

  3. if youre not on the lease, u dont have a leg to stand on...public housing is very strict on who they let live in their properties and if your nephew you in w/o their knowlege, thats a violation of their policies....

  4. i think you need a lawyer.

    first to get the court to stay the eviction while the situation is reviewed.

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