
How dose salts get into the ocean?

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How dose salts get into the ocean?




  1. Rivers carry dissolved salts into the oceans and evaporation removes distilled water from the oceans.  Even though rivers are fresh water there is a net increase in salts into the oceans by those two processes.

  2. the rivers and tributaries that drain into the oceans wash the salts and minerals out of the ground it runs over, carrying it out into the ocean.

  3. Salts get into the oceans through chemical weathering of rock and volcanic out-gassing, its as simple as that. Long before there were land masses and rivers etc. the earth had salty seas, they merely have gotten saltier over time with the appearance of continents. The sodium in sodium chloride comes from sodium feldspar, the chlorine in sodium chloride comes from out-gassing of volcanoes.

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