
How doyou greet a Queen?

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How doyou greet a Queen?




  1. "whatdejawant ?"

  2. Usually with a bow or a curtsey. If she extends her hand to you, a woman should grasp it gently in a short handshake. A man should also grasp it gently and bow over it. DO NOT kiss a Queen's hand unless you know her well. It goes against protocol.

  3. Howdy?

  4. Just say.........."Hey girrrl....,  how yooo dooin'?" !

  5. As soon as Her Majesty the Queen enters the room, everyone must stand, and you may address the Queen as "Your Majesty" or "Ma'am". DO NOT say "How are you?" but say, "How do you do, Your Majesty?" Greet the queen as "your majesty" initially and use ma'am thereafter.

    Incidentally, with regards to other members of the royal family -- male and female -- your initial greeting will be “Your Royal Highness” followed by “Sir” or “Ma'am” accordingly.

    Accept the queen's offer of a handshake, and, of course, a bit of conversation if she's willing. If you are at a dinner table, do not sit before Her Majesty, takes a seat first.

    Don't show the queen your back, if you're following tradition, and leave the room only after the queen does. But keep in mind that times have changed and formalities have eased.

    Note: The Queen's handbag should indicate a sign if her stay is long or short. If she puts her handbag on the table, it means she wants to end the conversation!

    For more information on how to formally greet the Queen without embarrassing yourself, visit the Official British Monarchy website at

  6. Upon greeting you say "Your Majesty." Afterwards,she is addressed as "Ma'am." Whether or not you bow or curtsy depends upon your citizenship.If you are part of the Commonwealth of whatever country the Queen represents,you bow or cursty.Otherwise,you just shake hands as you greet her.

  7. bow ot  one knee kiss hand right hand  and stnad ween you are told to

  8. Take and kiss my hand and do the curtsy or you could just run to me and hug me and kisssssssssssssss me good !!

  9. 'sup dawg?

  10. i would not give her the pleasure because its all a fake show designed to make people feel unimportant.

  11. With a royal flush...maybe try, "What's hip and happening, Queenie?"

  12. you must curtsy or bow in front of her

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