
How dressed up should I be going to a psychiatrist?

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How dressed up should I be going to a psychiatrist?




  1. Wear your regular every day clothes.  If you dress up you'll stick out like a sore thumb as nobody else but the psychiatrist will be dressed up.

  2. Just as you would to any doctors appointment.

    Clean and reasonably smart,you don't need to dress up.

    He may well ask you how you feel able to look after yourself with regards personal hygiene and appearance (though they'll word it better than me).

    Just be honest about everything.

    People with psychiatric issues often find doing the little things hard, they will just want to know how you are getting on with things.

    Good luck.

  3. when i go i wear baggy t-shirts and exercise shorts..i could careless who is going to see me..and if they see me on the psych floor they aren't going to say much because people will ask them question like: why were you there?..where did you say that was?

  4. Try not to wear patterns, stripes, polka dots etc...

    Stick to pastel colors and look relaxed.

    Good Luck  

  5. Wear whatever you feel comfortable with.  

  6. Just be yourself darling, the psychiatrist isn't there to judge you, if anything they'll probably see more of your personality from your clothes. Just wear what you normally wear and you'll be fine.


  7. Nothing special, just dress to how you feel, no false presentation. If you feel C**p but dress like you're on a hot date how's the Psych going to get the picture? it's not a job interview it's your life.

  8. Just wear jeans/shorts and a T-shirt and runners. You shouldn't need to be to dressed up ;).

  9. lmao you don't need to dress up at all. just wear what you would normally wear and what you feel comfortable in

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