
How drunk can i get on 275ml of Smirnoff Ice?

by Guest59670  |  earlier

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i'm asking on here because i cant be bothered to look for the answer myself.




  1. not at all....that's not even 1 beer or do you mean Smirnoff vodka or the Smirnoff ***** beers.

  2. About this drunk.

  3. IDIOT!!!!!!!!

  4. 275 ml is only about about 9.3 ounces.

    If this is the first thing you have ever drank, then you might feel a buzz from that, but it will wear off quickly.

    If you are underage, stop drinking now !!

  5. If you can't be bothered enough to find the answer then we can't be bothered to answer it for you.

    Just drink the c**p and find out for yourself we can't tell you how drunk you'll get..jeezes.

  6. um.. depends on your weight and if you drink alot. If your talking about those chick beer things one can't get any one drunk but if your talking about a whole bottle of smirnoff vodka. you will be either dead or just plain messed up for the whole night good luck  

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