
How dumb is this??

by  |  earlier

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I posted this in another section, but will try again..I attended a funeral for a woman I worked with, I was introduced to her Son who thanked me for coming..without missing a answer to him was "it's my pleasure!"

How many of you have said something this dumb??




  1. well i was sitten on my porch with my freinds my mom came out and said ''hay how you cooleow kids doing'' is that dum of her to say!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh, I think everyone has moments like that. It's called being human. There's a great case from history though...

    During the Battle of the Bulge a German Officer under a flag of truce demanded that the Americans surrender. The American commander refused (the famous "nuts" reply) and an American Officer escorted the German Officer back to his lines. Miffed that the Americans hadn't surrendered, the German Officer's parting words were "We will kill many Americans tomorrow!" The American officer's response...."Well, good luck with that!"

    He spent the rest of his life explaining that, no, he really hadn't meant to wish the Germans good luck killing Americans, it was just a polite reply thoughtlessly uttered. :)

  3. how'd that go over.

  4. Ha, that was pretty dumb, but understandable. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I think everyone has made a similar minor mistake. I'm sure he knew what you meant.

  5. Everyone has at one time or other said something inappropriate.  I am sure the son understands you meant well.  But listen to this:  When my mother died, my former stepfather sent me a letter stating that he was celebrating her death!   Are you seeing the difference here?  I went to a friend's funeral a while back here and the preacher was saying something to the effect that we all had funny memories of our friend (he was a real goofball) and I was certainly not the only person to start cracking up laughing, remembering our silly good friend.   Anyway, the funeral was on the beach since our friend was a life guard.  So here we are at a funeral, most of us are laughing, and a GIANT WAVE rolled up and splashed us all.   Old Dave always did get the last laugh.

  6. It is a little odd, but not so much dumb.

    It is your pleasure to be able to attend the funeral of a co-worker is very odd indeed, however, I am pretty sure he understood your meaning.

    I think we all speak before we kick our brains in motion.  It's part of human nature.
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