
How durable is the newest HP Tablet PC???

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my dad was telling me about how they were easily broken but is it really that breakable or is it durable enough to last for school and artsie doodlies?




  1. Older convertible TabletPC's where known for having hinge problems but that has pretty much been corrected.

    It is still a spot where undue stress can damage the unit, but they are much more durable now.  There are many students using TabletPC's now because the Pen & Ink feeatures are very well suited to students needs.

    Most students need to be able to take notes, highlight items, create drawings, use mathematical formulae, etc. With the correct programs a TPC is much better suited for this than a laptop.

    If you go with the TabletPC look at these 2 apps as they are excellent for note taking:

    Microsoft OneNote:

    It's not free, but student discounts make it quite inexpensive.

    Microsoft Research Inkseine (beta)

    This is a free app from MS's Research division. It's not quite as good at setting up a "notebook" style folder system, but has some excellent features since it is built for TPC's exclusively.

  2. I love my HP laptop/tablet.

    I do not use it as a football. ;)  heeheehee

    The touchscreen is fantastic.  It is 9 months old and looks brand new.

    next to my  I love it.

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