
How durable is white gold?

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I'm not the most delicate person and I don't want to accidentally maim my engagement ring. Would I be better off with something else?




  1. Other than white gold having a platinum & rhodium coating which can make it quite durable, it can also depend on the workmenship. But white gold is just as good as yellow or rose gold.

    My fiance & I got engaged back in April & I have had 2 white gold rings snap, not because I was rough on it (I never wore it work & took it off to shower & clean) but because it was made poorly.

    If you are happy with your ring now just ask your fiance - or the jeweler you bought it from whether there is a warranty on the band & jewels. If your uncomfortable & think maybe you'll damage your ring, ask you fiance if another ring is possible.

  2. When I married the first time in 1974 my bridal set was white was NOT rhodium plated, which seems to be the norm here, but then my set was a gold/platinum alloy therefore it was silvery-gray (like platinum) thru & thru never 'turned' off color for the 22 years I had it.......but it was also not the mirror shiny bright that brides demand now....white gold no matter how polished is never that brilliantly shiny.

    Today most white gold is rhodium plated, because that high shine finish is in demand and many white gold pieces are 'off color' or have a slight yellow tinge because palladium is used in making the white gold alloy, not nickle or the more expensive platinum which creates a silver-gray nearly identical to platinum.

    Be prepared to have the rhodium plating refreshed with wear of the ring.......when the plating wears of the true color of the white gold will be revealed, it may have a yellow tinge, sign of a lesser quality white gold...really top quality white gold is silvery-gray and never, ever turns yellow.....that is nonsense....the wearing off of the rhodium plating makes the ring look like it's turning isn't. THAT is the rings true color.

    Nor is white gold a yellow gold ring 'treated' or dipped in white metal...that also is nonsense....people who tell you that really don;t know and are  echoing some silliness a jewelry store clerk told them...and most of those clerks don;t know jack about metals anyway....

    Any ring is a durable as the way it's treated....I would save my engagement ring to wear going out...take it off when doing messy jobs and your ring should wear well, reguardless of it's setting.

  3. It's pretty durable and retains a shiny appearance after many years. I've been married for ten+ years and, looking at my ring, it still looks good with no dulling visible. My ring is 14K gold with nothing else on it (no jewels for example).  

  4. I am wearing a white gold wedding band that I have worn continuously for the last 34 years.  It is probably 18K, and it has not scratched or turned color despite all the abuse it has endured.  We were married while I was in the US Army in 1974, and it has been on my ring finger ever since.


  5. It's one of the most durable rings. Much better than platinum.

    Stick with something like 10k or 12k so that it's stronger.

    I'm super hard on my ring too. I get it buffed about once or twice a year to get out all of the scratches and have it inspected to make sure the diamonds are still set well and don't need repaired.

    It's also inexpensive to have it redipped if for some reason it starts to lose it's color, but so far I've never had to do that and doubt I ever will. Just buy a good quality one and you'll be fine.  

  6. 14K, no higher would be ideal.  that is what mine is and its holding up heat and I work a lot with my hands.  My mothers is also white gold and its been 27 years.

    you can also get it refinished if needed and its a fraction of the price of platnium  

  7. "When white gold rings are new they are coated with another white metal called Rhodium....

    The Rhodium is very white and very hard, but it does wear away eventually. To keep a white gold ring looking its best it should be re-rhodium plated approximately each 12 to 18 months. Most local jewelers are able to rhodium plate jewelry for a cost effective price."

  8. Well it is not that good! If i were you look into Tunsten or Titaium good luck

  9. If you like the color of platinum and white gold, talk to your jeweler about palladium... it's a cousin of platinum so it's the same color, only it's less expensive and more durable.  This is what we chose for my husband's wedding band, and he's very happy with it.  

  10. Well, its hassle is that it has a plating on it, and needs to be redipped every so often.

    Most durable is 10k, both for white and yellow gold. With yellow gold you don't need to worry about the finish.

  11. Gold (doesn't matter what kind, it's all the same metal) is fairly soft, but if you have a 10K ring then you'll be fine. I have an 18K and I have yet to ruin it. I am far from delicate myself.  

  12. it depends on the karat. 10k is very durable, 14k is somewhat durable, and 18k is not very durable.

  13. white gold is harder than pure gold24carat or even9carat so dont worry itll be ok the only ring thats going to be harder wearing is titanium which is actually becoming more fahionable here in europe!.

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