
How early can a blood test detect pregnancy?

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I was just wondering how early can a blood test detect a positive pregnancy? I know that a blood test is a more accurate way to test for pregnancy so I was just curious how early it can pick it up. I know the earliest you can test on a urine is five days before a missed period but wtih a blood test is it about the same?




  1. it detect the pregnancy 1 week after conceiving (5-7 days)

  2. All depends on when implantation happens.

    A blood pregnancy test can be positive 3-4 days after implantation, and implantation usually happens about 7 days after ovulation. So the blood test can be positive about 3-4 days before you expect your next period or 10-11 days after ovulation.

    There is a much longer explanation on BabyMed.

  3. I went to the doctor with a horrible stomach pain on Dec 31, 2005. It turned out I was pregnant...the doctors were scared that I may have had an ectopic pregnancy due to all the symptoms I was experiencing so they did a internal ultrasound. The ultrasound reveled that implantation had not occurred HCG levels were at 110. So I was probably 4 days past ovulation/conceiving. The end of the story was that it was NOT an ectopic pregnancy.

    My point is that blood tests are very accurate and can detect pregnancy very early!

    Good Luck!  

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