
How early can i know?

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how early can i know?I'm very worried that i may be pregnant , this is the week i'm supposed to be leaving for college and its very hectic with this added. i think that i might be , my last period started august 1st and i had s*x unprotected like an idiot on the 15 and 16that's when I'm told i should be ovulating , but i haven't had a lot of symptoms except that ive been really sleepy and getting some cervical discharge and a little moody too. its a week before my next period but i cant wait that long, because i will have already moved and stuff i cant be in new york alone and pregnant its wishful thinking , i just have to come up with a new plan...

moms and anybody who might know out there help me I'm terrified :(




  1. Well just go get a test that says it can detect 5 days before your missed period.

  2. no one can really say if you are pregnant or not, what your saying could also be pms symptoms as well, but i do know i had more discharge and tired with mild cramps before i found out i was pregnant, only way to tell is take a test closer to your period or wait to see if you miss it  

  3. I hate to tell you- but you really do have to wait.  It's agonizing to wonder- I know.  Just try to keep your mind off of it- get packed up and move.  No sense in changing your plans right now- you can still be up there & in school even if you are pregnant.

    Good luck, sweetie.  

  4. u miss ur period,

    umm peeing alot more, morning sickness.

    take a test.,

    good luck babe

  5. it is ok to take a test a few days before your due, and you can buy tests now that you can take earlier.xx
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