
How early can you neuter a male kitten. I want to catch him before he starts spraying?

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How early can you neuter a male kitten. I want to catch him before he starts spraying?




  1. i got my kitten spayed when she was 4 months old, but it depends on your vet.

  2. As soon as he's "man enough" - meaning as soon as both testicles have descended.  That's generally around 8 weeks.  At that age, they never even know they've had surgery.  They come home from the vet ready to burst out of the carrier so that they can eat and play.  There is really no recovery time at all for 99% of them!  I'd suggest getting him neutered as soon as possible, and certainly before he's 6 months old.  Vets that insist on waiting until 9 months and up are not current with the latest in vet medicine, and that's a clue to find another vet.  

  3. its usually around 6mths before a vet will neuter a cat.but it doesn't always stop them from spaying.mine is 15 and now and has been spaying on and off for the last 10years,usually its when he too sick to go out or when we have stray cats around the area where we live.

  4. It is an individual vet's choice.  Some will fix them as early as 6 weeks old and some will wait till 6 months.  Just call around until you find one that will go ahead and fix him.  Many of the spay/neuter clinics will spay them young.

  5. A lot younger than one might think for a male, as it really is only a snip-snip type of operation.  But, vets have their own level of comfort as to how young.  Often, 4 pounds is a common guideline, which make it around 3 months.

    I really would not wait longer than 5 months if you want to be absolutely sure of no sexual maturity before he is neutered.

  6. The vet clinic i work at recommends neutering kittens when they reach 2-3 lbs. And generally if your kitty is healthy they should reach this weight around 8 weeks of age :)

  7. I think most vets say 6 months but my boy was neutered by the shelter when he was 3 months so I'd ask your vet O.o

  8. I've been told as early as 8 weeks.  Mine was neutered at about 16 weeks, when I got him from the shelter.  

  9. About 2 months is the earliest, I had mine neutered before I brought them  home and was shocked when told me they were going to neuter them at such a young age.

  10. I had my 2boys neutered at almost exactly 4months old and they did wonderful no problems at all

  11. My vet recommended between 5-6 months so that's what I did.

  12. I know you didn't ask WHERE to get your kitten neutered but I wanted to suggest that you call your local animal shelter. They are normally much cheaper than the cost of a vet (for the neutering and shots) and they'll tell you how old your kitten should be in order for them to neuter him.

    And kudos to you for looking out for your male kitty in this way. He'll live a much happier life without those darn hormones getting in the way! ;)

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