
How early is to early to propose to my girlfriend?

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We have been together for 8 months.




  1. Before you know the things that will be important to you in sure to discuss your values, morals, beliefs, and goals first.  Once you come to an understanding on those and you love her and are in love with her the time is right.  Also consider the finances.

  2. That's not really too early, it depends on where you are in the relationship?

    have you discussed having a future together? living together? having children in the future etc etc

    if you have talking about this sort of things it usually means she would be ready!

  3. If you think its right go for it!!! Good luck!!

  4. It depends. What are you proposing?

  5. you are sooooooooo dumb 8 months !!!! i was with this girl for almost 2 years and never even thought about doing somthing so stupid as that

    enjoy her until about 3 years  

  6. Date at least a year and a half to two years.

  7. How old are you? I think that if you are a little older, sometimes you don't need a long time to know.

    My FI and I moved in together at 8-months. He proposed at 10-months.

    Good luck.

  8. I really don't think that you can get to know, fall in love with, and really understand a person in lest that 12-18 months. I know a lot of people disagree but, based on my morality and personal opinion, I think it's too soon.

  9. well my parents only knew each other for a few weeks before my father preposed and they are happily married. Prepose when YOU are ready!  

  10. I would bring up the subject of marrige and ask her what she thinks of it.  About a week later find somewhere romantic, plan a date, and propose

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