
How early is too early to book a honeymoon?

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Do you find that booking a trip a year in advance gives better discounts?




  1. I frequently book travel for work - I get the best deals closer to the date of travel!  What I typically do is make reservations & then check rates once a month & then once a week in the last month.  If I find a better rate, I rebook with the lower price.

    Since it's your honeymoon, you really should call & talk to the hotel (or condo owner if you're renting a private home/condo, check  Let them know it's your honeymoon, ask about any specials, etc.  You just might get a free upgrade or gift!

    Also, since this is such an important trip, I would pony up the extra $$ for travel insurance.  This will protect you should there be any changes to your plans.

  2. If you know where u want to go,then book it!

    Don't wait until the last minute to do so because it is going to cost more and especially if you are getting married during wedding season!

  3. It's actually kind of hard to book a trip a year in advance, it turns out.  When I first got engaged, I was so excited that I went straight to the Carnival Cruise website, only to find that the dates I wanted weren't even available for booking yet.  I think we'll wait at least until 6 months before the wedding to book it.

  4. I booked my honeymoon to Europe a year in advance and got a better price than I ever could have now. Check it out:

  5. If your allowed to book this far and advance and your absolutly sure about it then go for.  But if you think there is a chance you might change your mind or find a better deal in the next few months then wait. People tend to get a little over excited when they first get engaged and get so wrapped up in the planning that they dont think things comletly through.

  6. Wow - this is a super tough question, with the crazy stuff happening with gas prices and all.  I'm not sure I would book too far in advance, even if that were a good strategy for brides in years past.  United and JetBlue just announced they are cancelling a bunch of flights after Labor Day.  I'll bet other airlines will, too.  And how bummed out would you be if you had booked a flight on the now-bankrupt Aloha Airlines?  My vote would be wait until much closer to the time you are leaving on the trip, and be flexible about departures and even your choice of destinations (i.e., have a Plan A and a Plan B.)

  7. YES! I am getting married in March 2009 and we booked our cruise in March 2008 ( we wanted to do something special on the one year before the wedding, so we booked our honey moon.....cheesy I know)

    But anyway, we booked a cruise with carnival and only paid $529 per person, when I recently checked the website, the same cruise has already went up to $579 per person, so as time goes by and the date gets closer, your honeymoon price may increase.

    Also, with all the wedding planning, it can be something out of the way for you.  Good Luck =)

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