
How easily can a hard contact lense fall out of someone's eye????

by  |  earlier

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....i was wondering because i have keratoconus and my eye doctor is helping me get hard lenses because my glasses no longer do the job. are they going to be hard to maintain?




  1. I'm guessing you mean toric lenses. I had them for 2weeks and i liked the soft contacts better. The hard contacts never fell out but they would move n loose focus every now and then. I would have to blink a few times or close my eye n pat down gently. They're kind of easier to put in and take out than soft contacts.

  2. I wore them for a long time many years ago and don't remember having problems  except when my eyes would get dry. You have to remember to blink, which sounds odd, but sometimes wearing them would make me forget.

  3. it depends on the contacts

  4. I am guessing soft contacts aren't going to work?

    They're realitively easy to the end of the day, you simply soak them in a solution.

  5. i tried them for a while.  they sucked.  i was only 12 when i first tried them so i wasnt very patient but they did hurt very bad. and if you ever get soemthing in your eye or stuck under your contact, its h**l.  i also thought that they were hard to get out.  the eye doctor had to give me this little plunger thing to remove them from my eyes.  I geuss soft llenses arnt an option????

  6. If they are fitted properly, they shouldn't fall out easily.  If you rub them vigorously, they might, but that is not recommended.

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