
How easy are foreign exchange programs?

by Guest66723  |  earlier

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I'm considering going into a foreign exchange program to Ireland- I'm American- and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what I can expect? I'm 15, but I'll be 16 by the time I leave in January. What do i need to know about the people, food, conditions... yeah.




  1. I did an exchange program to Germany in high school. I would talk to the families you are staying with and also learn about any customs that they have as a culture. Maybe go to the library and get out some books on Ireland just to learn more about where you'll be. Also, just be open minded about your whole experience and it will be a blast. Those three months that I was in Germany were some of the best times of my life. I am still in contact with my family that I stayed with more than 3 years ago.

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