
How easy/difficult is it to grab a quick bite to eat in Paris?

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Obviously it's a different culture in terms of service length of meals. So I get that part.

I'm just curious if there are "Americanized" places or a lot of fast food places.

This may be sacreligious, but I'm not all that interested in "fine dining". One or two prime meals would be great, but beyond that I just want to sustain myself.

I'm in Paris for a week (including Bastille Day), so am I going to be alright finding quicker places, or am I better off finding a market to buy some food to eat on the run.




  1. Just remember that a Quarter Pounder with Cheese is called La Royale because they have the metric system.

  2. There are crepe stands, sandwich shops, and gyro joints all over the place. The quality is usually good and the prices are reasonable.

    Where you are making a mistake is in thinking that French food is all 3 star Michelin restaurants and hours long meals in fancy restaurants.

    Drop into any cafe or bistrot for a quick sandwich and a glass of wine. Service is efficient, the food good and the prices perfectly reasonable.

    In my opinion this is the real glory of French cuisine. Not that they can produce a stellar meal for $200 a person but that the ordinary, day to day standard of food is vastly superior to that in America. Whatever you get, a simple salad, a sandwich, some pasta, or whatever will usually be done very well.

    The French even have their own Fast Food chain called Flunch. check it out:

  3. Paris is a GREAT place for quick/snack foods, without having to go near a McKFCBurger.

    Try any of the many bakeries.  Breads tend to be a bit sweeter than you may be used too - croissants are just one example, but they do lots of variations.  Just having bread with a coffee is a great way to have a quick meal.

    Also, I would thoroughly recommend you try their version of a hotdog.  A long crusty baguette, with a lovely spicy sausage, covered in tasty cheese, onion and various relishes.

    Then, if you're still hungry - or if you're just in the mood for something sweet - try one of the creperies.  They cook an enormous pancake to order, then fill it with whatever you want - fruit preserves, fresh fruit, ice cream.  Or try the crispy waffles for a slightly crunchier variation.  Last time I was in Paris there was a great place at Place de la Concorde, just by the entrance to Jardin des Tuileries (which leads up to the Louvre.)

    For something a little bit different, then the markets are a must.  In fact, if you work it properly you can eat for free!!!  Most stalls will offer samples of their wares, so you can go and have nibbles at lots of places without spending anything!  The Bastille Sunday market is a must.

    If I think of anything else then I'll come back and edit this.  I'm sure I'll remember some other cool places to try......


  4. The easy answer,and one that I had used to find some really good places to see and eat in Paris and many other City's was Google earth. It has come in handy for me on several occasions where I had an unexpected day or two of impromptu site seeing, and a bit of healthy gluttony never hurt anyone.  Happy trails.

  5. The best deal for quick and cheap eating in Paris is the "Turkish" kebab joints. Nothing like the 'horreur' I had in Washington.

    A "sandwich" at one of these places includes a generous portion of 'frites' (French fries), and salad as well as grilled meat (not microwaved as in the US). I have been known to share one because there was too much to eat (but younger people can manage a whole one on their own). Costs 4 to 5 euros.

  6. What I did between meals was to get a baguette and a Perrier and eat it on a corner or by a statue or a fountain.

    C'est la vie!

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