
How easy do you think it would be to build a working replica of the chronovisor?

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For those who havent a clue what it is then.....





    In the 1950s he is said to have claimed he invented a time viewer of sorts as part of a group that supposedly included Nobel Laureate Enrico Fermi( was an Italian-American physicist most noted for his work on the development of the first nuclear reactor, and for his contributions to the development of quantum theory, nuclear and particle physics, and statistical mechanics. Fermi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1938 for his work on induced radioactivity.)  and Wernher von Braun( was one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology in Germany and the United States. The German scientist, who was pivotal in Germany's pre-war rocket development program and was responsible for the design and realization of the V-2 combat rocket during World War II, entered the United States at the end of the war through the then-secret Operation Paperclip. Although he had held the honorary SS rank of a Sturmbannführer, he became a naturalized U.S. citizen and worked on the American ICBM program before joining NASA, where he served as director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, the superbooster that propelled the United States to the Moon. He is generally regarded as the father of the United States space program. Wernher von Braun received the National Medal of Science in 1975.).

    The machine was called the Chronovisor, and could allegedly see and hear events of the past.

    easy or not this two people that are mentioned in the making  chronovisor with  the Italian priest and scientist Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti,and these scientists were real...

    and the fields in which they worked as scientists well ,that doesn't make that story in particular too fictional ,just check those scientists bios....

  2. Well, since the device is pure fiction we don't even know what it is.

  3. haha, this is like the movie "De JaVue"

    I don't think we are anywhere near that technology. If its possible, I am sure we will have something close within 100 years. I am basing this on the rate of progress of current technologies. We still need to learn so much about time before any intelligent manipulation becomes possible.

  4. Well nobody has managed to build one yet so quite difficult  I would think.

  5. If you are the original builder, it should be quite easy because, if you bothered to look up the definition of "replica" while you were visiting wikipedia, you would see that it means reproduction by the original builder. Anything else would be just a copy.

    Now, all seriousness aside, let me go to wikipedia and lookup "chronovisor." Oh yeah, it seems that there is no real evidence that a chronovisor ever existed, so without plans, how would you build a replica, I mean, copy?

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