
How easy is it for a foreigner to settle down, fit in, and live in Austria?

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I haven't been to Austria yet, but this is something I might seriously consider in the future and I was wondering if it's a good idea. Of course, I would visit before I move to make sure I like it. I love Austrian history, culture, and the German language and I've taken 3 years of college German. I am also a Caucasian of European descent. Thank you in advance for any answers! :-)




  1. From what I've seen, people who want to assimilate fit in pretty easily.  I've met several who have.  Austrians tend to have a very international attitude.  What they don't like is people who want to establish their own little foreign enclaves in Austria, not learn German, not assimilate, and complain about Austrian tradional customs.  I can tell you don't plan to do that.

  2. you dont have to worry, people here are nice and you would fit in easily. my sister came here when she was 15 and she had lots of friends straight away and she learnt the langauge really quick.

    peace out gurl =]

  3. Given your educational background, your ethnicity and the fact that you already know the language it would be silly to expect too many difficulties.

    I do not know what your nationality is, but if you are British, American or Australian, even the most close-minded people will have no problem with you as a foreigner.

    Also, it helps that you seem to be enthusiastic about the culture :)) Just make sure to read up on culture- shock. The reality will inevitably be more bleak than the post cards ;-)

  4. Heya Kat!

    You're young and you've got your whole life to plan ahead of you.  All U need to do is get out a little more and leave your furry little kids at home with a sitter every now and then to enjoy your youthful life, before it's all gone.


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