
How easy is it for an American to get a profesisonal job in the uk?

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How easy is it for an American to get a job in the uk? Is it a difficult process to get a work visa or sponsorship? I have a bachelors degree in Accounting and Finance.

1. Where are all the jobs? Is it difficult in London?

2. What part of UK would it be the easiest to get a professional job?

3. Which part has a skill shortage?




  1. With your qualifications you would have no problem in getting a job anywhere in the UK, although your salary expectations may not be met.

    To guarantee a job in the UK, learn to speak Polish, oh, and remember don't forget to forget your...............toothbrush! We British [as you will have heard in the land of the free] do not use such implements.

    Just look at our Tony, the only oral implement he has taken in his mouth is good old George W Bush!

  2. Sorry kitten.

    You first must speak English, not whatever patois that is you are using to communicate.

  3. As of a few short years ago, you had to match a certain savings and income level to get residence clearance in the UK. And you had to have a job in the UK when you arrived there. No job shopping once you come there to live. Fairly stringent, by US standards of immigration.

  4. with a qualification like that u mentioned, it wont be hard for you to land up a job in England

    but if i were you i'd stay in the US because

    the pay isnt that good, cost of living high

    housing can be a big problem in the UK

    i have lived in the UK for 7 yrs ( till i was 15) in my opinion i dont think Americans should immigrate to UK for employment purpose

    but if you really want to experience the corporate world of UK i must say London is your city

    other cities such as Birmingham,Manchester etc can be OK but London is the only place in the country where u can find a professional job

    as far as work visa or sponsorship goes i suggest refer to the EU or British immigration services guidelines

    hope you find this helpful

  5. Having recently been through the whole visa thing with my husband I feel that I must warn you that immigration is an absolute joke.

    If you are intending to come on a work visa you first have to find a job and your employer will apply for your visa on your behalf and they effectively act as your sponsor.

    The best place to look for info is

    or both of these are incredibly useful sources of information.

    As for the whole job thing stick to the big cities and I am sure you will find a job, also look for national or international companies they will have more experience if international employees. London is great but is very expensive. We now live in Glasgow and its great here- not to far from Edinburgh either.

  6. London is the place to be for Accounting and Finance but if you look at the job hunting websites that I mentioned in my answer to your other question and find a company/job that looks interesting, just drop me a mail with the location and I will tell if it's a nic eplace to live or not......I am happy to be your UK adviser !!

    And there are lots of Americans working in the UK.......another route into the UK is to get an American Company to sponsor you to work here.....that way you willl also get them to fund a lot of your living expenses ;-)

    As an accountant I am sure you will appreciate that ;-)

    One again I wish you the very best of luck finding a job in the UK......

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