
How easy is it?

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to travel with the peace corps and you just graduated hs




  1. Impossible. You do not have the skill and experience for the PeaceCorps.

    Organizations such as VSO Canada, UN Volunteers and the PeaceCorps are looking for people who can work (read, write and speak) in a language other than English, who have skills and experience that can lead to local people generating income, better feeding their families, improving children's health, etc., or that can lead to the transformation of key institutions, such as government, universities/schools or NGOs. They are looking for people who can commit to a two-year assignment, who have experience working with under-served communities, or who have a lot of experience in very diverse or religiously-conservative communities. The average age of volunteers in these organizations is over 30 (for UNVs, it's 38) and most not only have undergrad degrees, they also have grad degrees.

    Here is a web site that can help you learn more about the skills and experience desired by long-term placement organizations, and how you can gain that experience locally.

    There is a listing of the more-than-30 member organizations of the International Volunteers Program Association (IVPA) that is a good place to find reputable volunteer-for-a-fee programs -- programs where you don't need to have much experience in order to participate, and the placements are just for a few weeks or months:

    The goal is to give local people jobs and to keep money local, not to give Westerners a feel-good vacation -- hence why short-term placement agencies charge volunteers, or require these volunteers to pay their own way (flights, in-country transportation, health insurance, accommodation, food, security, translators, training, staff to supervise and support them in their service, liaisons with the police and local officials, etc.).

  2. I would think it would be A challenge , but I think its cool that you want to do this. Your A Great Person Good Luck

  3. I have no idea but it's an admirable goal. Go for it! I have a friend in the peace corp but she's overseas in a remote area so I can't exactly ask her about how all this works. LOL!

  4. Unless you've lived and worked on a farm/agricultural home for your entire life, you'll need to get your bachelor's degree first.  While you're in college, volunteer in programs you're interested that PC participates in, such as ESL (English as a Second Language) tutoring, healthcare volunteering, environmental, etc.

    Unless you want to be placed in Latin America (You may request a certain region of the world, but you cannot demand it.  The Peace Corps isn't a travel agency and they'll place you where you're most needed.  They require incredible flexibility for service and if you can't be flexible on your placement, they probably won't accept you.), you do NOT need to be fluent in any languages.  They will give you awesome language training in your service country and you'll be fluent enough to get by very quickly.  I've not talked to any volunteer who has said that their language training has been inadequate.  

    Getting in isn't the hardest part, however.  The Peace Corps is known as the "hardest job you'll ever love" for a reason.  You will be homesick and there will be times where you'll question why you've embarked on a 27 month journey thousands of miles away from anyone you know and your America culture.  However I don't know any volunteer who regrets their decision to serve.  It's a great opportunity for yourself, your country, and the people you'll work with.  It'll be hard, but it'll be worth it.

    If it's something you're interested in, you should attend some recruitment events (talk to your college recruiter or HS councilor), talk to former volunteers and read volunteer blogs online ( is a great source for volunteer blogs) for a real-life perspective.  

    Good luck!

  5. Piece of Cake.
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