
How easy is it to become a RN?

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what does it take to become a RN? are the nurses that work in public clinics or doctors offices all registered nurses?




  1.   It wasn't easy for me-    There are 2 year degrees for RN's but it usually takes longer than that.  Plan on difficult classes-  microbiology, anatomy, and possibly chemistry and math.   The nursing classes also require  "lab" time and clinicals where you learn procedures- IV insertion, foley catheters, N/G tubes, etc....    As far as public clinics-   not all people that work in clinics are nurses. Some are medical assistants.  LPN's also work in clinics.   But all of them can work in hospitals too.   Keep in mind that working in a clinic as a nurse requires little skill-   If you are wanting to really get good at being a nurse- work in the hospital.  The specialty areas such as ER, critical care, OR, and cardiac areas are highly skilled nursing areas.  I work in the ER and see such a variety of patient complaints and illnesses.  But some like to work in more organized and less stressful areas.   The associate degree nurse you will find usually makes the same amount as the bachelor's prepared nurse. However, the BSN  nurse will have more opportunity for management positions.  

    Good luck- you can make it  

  2. The easiest part is completing the college application.  Its an uphill battle from there.  All nurses receive the same training regardless of where they want to work following school.

    The classes are demanding both mentally and physically.  However, if this is your calling, it wont seem so bad.

  3. Plan on four years of college to get a BSN degree.

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