
How easy is it to convert to a mac after using windows all your life?

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I currently have a laptop (vista) and a pc (XP) but my pc has terribly old specs and even my laptop is on its way, I uld like to replace at least one of them, preferably with a mac, I really like the ones where everything is in the screen.

Now due to its expense, I am wondering whether I will be able to use a mac easily, I am pretty much very good with computers anyway and have only had very basic experience with those macs in my university.

I still need one machine with windows purely for university issues but I would like the mac more fore general entertainment at home!

Has anyone converted and felt better about it, also what are the benefits and drawbacks aside from price!




  1. Macs are not too hard to get used to, and are very stable and secure in comparison to Windows. They can run Office and many programs equivalent to Windows programs, so the only real drawback is the price.

  2. Well, when you first get it you'll be so confused. I have used Macs before and its like using a computer in a different language for me. My cousin who successfully switch says you'll figure out some stuff and for other things he says "You have to step back and think of how a 5 year old would do it." So it sounds like it takes a while to get acclimated to it.

    One of the biggest drawbacks is you still have to listen to those annoying Mac people complain about windows and say how much better Macs are, when in reality they aren't that much better. Benefits is you can still use a PC and you can use a Mac.

  3. I too had Windows Vista, still have as a secondary computer.  I bought an iMac about a month ago.  What a difference!  Just for the fact that I don't have to worry about viruses and the like, is enough to make me a convert.  It has taken a little to get use to but, everything new has a learning curve.  If you are use to Vista, then the transition won't be to much to handle as they have some similarities.  The iMac feels so much smoother to use.  If you are a big gamer, you will probably prefer a pc.  However, If you are into music and movies, the iMac by far is much better.  I wouldn't go back.  Also having both Vista and an iMac, you get the best of both worlds.  Go to the Apple website, you should find what you need to know there.  Don't be intimidated by them or by PCers who say they aren't worth it.  I love mine and would never go back to having just a PC.  Good luck!  

  4. It won't be easy.

    You'll be initially confused, because the Mac will not crash, get viruses or be complicated.

    Then you'll be frustrated learning about all the insanely fun software available for Macs. Plus, you'll be spending a lot, I mean a LOT of time online. Because it'll be faster, more fun and without hassles (especially if you use Mac-friendly Firefox).

    Finally, you'll be addicted to gaming, video editing, graphics converting and chatting...on top of that, you'll be pissed off that you waited so long to get a computer that doesn't ask you to update twice a day, reboot or upgrade within six months.


    Enjoy your new Mac! And remember, kids: Once you go Mac, you'll never go back.

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