
How easy is it to damage a golf club shaft?

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I had a golf bag in my trunk and someone put a rigid 20-30 lb suitcase in the middle of the bag, and a 15-20lb bag on the heads. I drove around for a while on a rough road in heavy traffic, so lots of hard turns and potholes. It looks like the club shaft that was directly beneath the suitcase is slightly bent, but it's hard to tell.

These are steel, regular flex shafts.




  1. Not wicked hard but yes it is hard unless you try to intenttionaly break it.

  2. Probably not bent. More in your mind. Shaft is more likely to break than bend plus they have quite a bit of flex. That is what flex is all about, the ability to return to the original configuration.

    Part time PGA caddy, semi retired, too old and lazy.

  3. If it looks bent then it probably is.  Just roll it on a flat surface to see if it wobbles - then probably time to reshaft.

  4. It is easy to damage the golf club shaft when you are actually hitting that golf club.

    From my experience, I have traveled more than 20 times with my clubs.

    During those times, I noticed that the golf club head got alittle bit damaged but the shaft didn't.

    That is the reason the golf companies make the shafts harder.

    I assure you, your shafts will be fine. the only thing you need to worry about is the golf head club.

  5. Heavy, steady pressure with the occasional jarring hit could be  just the trick to bend a steel shaft. Roll the clubs along a table or counter top, you should be able to see almost all the way around. You should be able to look from the grip end down to the head and any flat spots, or severe mis-shape should be evident at that time.

    ..."more in your mind", William C ?!?! What the heck kind of an answer is that? If that's the case, then I guess you could just use your mind to bend it back, right?

  6. I'm suprised they all didn't snap in half.

  7. I broke the shaft of my ping 7 iron Saturday just gone, it was a poor lye, so i had to choke down to avoid clipping a tree branch, unfortunately, no one told me that there was a huge tree root below my ball,.............. CRINGE, SNAP, CRASH, SCREAM, I think you know the rest

    So now I'll have to wait for a new shaft to arrive, normally 5 weeks here in the UK.

    Fisto, had to laugh at your "Mind response" don't normally laugh this early in the morning.

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