
How easy is it to get addicted to painkillers?

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I've been taking about 2-4 5-325 mg percoset pills everyday since last Thursday. I've been taking them for pain, but will I get addicted to them shortly? I'm kind of nervous about this.




  1. I don't see any issue with taking them at night only, in contrast to what one of the other nurses posted. In my experience, patients who take narcotics to treat pain rarely if ever become addicted. People get into trouble when they start to take them to achieve a buzz or when the pain is sufficiently decreased when aspirin, tylenol, or a nonsteroidal such as motrin would suffice. Did you doctor give you some idea of when to stop taking the percoset?

  2. It is fairly easy to become addicted, yes, in less than 2 weeks. I've seen it hundreds of times in the hospital, your body develops a chemical dependence on them quite soon if they are unnecessary or in too high of a dosage. If you are concerned, talk to your doctor.

  3. Are you usning them as sleeping pills?  That is what is sounds like.  Not the best idea.  If you need help with sleep, you might try some Benadryl.  That might make you drowsy enough to sleep well with one percoset.  In general, if you are following the directions as prescribed, you are not likely to become addicted, unless you have an "addictive personality".  Have you had a history of drinking to excess or previous addiction of any sort?   If not, then it is unlikely that you will become addicted to the percoset.

    Just to clarify...  I never said you shouldn't take them just at night.  I made the incorrect assumption from the info that you had initially posted that you were taking them to help you sleep.  I think it is a shame your folks won't let you take them during the day, because it isn't good to let the pain get that bad.  Have you tried taking something over the counter for pain during the day?  Sometimes something like extra strength Tylenol can help a lot.

  4. If you take it as prescribed, then you should be fine, it is a problem when people take percocet for longer than they should, their body becomes adapted to the dose that they start requiring higher dosage.This is what leads to addiction due to the individuals tolerance becoming higher with increasing dosage. Just take it the way you're suppose to.

  5. I don't understand the way you typed in the dosage but I can tell you that if you take it as your Dr. prescribed, meaning never early, never 2 when it says 1, then you should be fine.  If you take it other than how it is prescribed, yes, you can become dependent and/or addicted.  Take it from me, it is not fun to "chase the dragon", meaning trying to achieve a "buzz" like you did when you first started taking any narcotic.  If you like the "buzz" be aware of that and never let your guard down.  My friends that have never been addicts don't like "that funny feeling"-I can't even conceive of that.  By the way, there should be no stigma attached to addicts, and that is why I am being open about my own drug and alcohol addictions.  It is a disease, just like cancer.  It will kill you if you don't get treatment.  Cancer patients get chemo and other things, addicts get treatment and AA of NA...I was sober for 6 years and started up again because I quit going to meetings, and didn't have a sponsor.  Anyway, I am hoping you are thinking about this and that everyone else is.  If the "buzz" is what someone likes, seek help.  Good luck healing that injury and if you are nervous, tell your doctor.  Thanks for asking.

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