
How easy is it to get an alcoholic drink in a Playa Del Carmen (near Cancun) hotel in Mexico? I'm 16?

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I know the legal age is 18, but I'm 16, and could pass for 18 in some circles. Will I have a problem getting alcoholic drinks in my hotel bar/restaurant? such as margaritas or coronas?




  1. Just go to 7-11

  2. It's pretty easy but some hotels will give underage people a different colour wrist band (if you're staying all inclusive) which tells the bartender not to serve you alcohol. They don't commonly ask for ID so as long as you look and act mature you should be able to drink. BE CAREFUL!!!! Have fun!

  3. No problem, there is no age limit.

  4. If you are staying at an all-inclusive you will be carded when you check in and be given an "under age" you shouldn't be served.

    In town, most likely, no one will even care whether you are "underage".

    ONE WARNING...if you can't handle your liquor (most 16 yr olds can't) please don't go can get in a lot of trouble...and one thing is for sure "you don't want to go to jail in can ruin the rest of your life."

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