
How easy is it to maintain reptile carpet?

by  |  earlier

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how do u clean it and can u reuse it after it's cleaned? Like... Buy two, then use one and in a month wash it, put other one in, when needed wash that, put otherone in, etc... And does it smell? And how do u get the p**p




  1. Carpet is a poor choice. It is difficult to keep it sanitary.

    For most of my reptiles, I use newspaper.

    I also use cypress mulch for certain species.

  2. I use reptile carpet and I've found it to be wonderful. I have 4 carpets total (I have 2 tanks) and when I'm cleaning out their tanks, I wash one and have a clean/dry one already to go. It's not that complicated to keep them clean and sanitary. Either throw them in the washer or soak them in a very deluted bleach/water solution. I don't find that they smell, but I wash mine once a week too soooo they don't really get a chance to smell.

  3. really easy i have owned 5 geckos and a uromastyx lizards and it is so easy you just have to shake it out outside and then stick it in the washer and that is it!  

  4. Youll never get it completely clean and itll start to smell really bad really quick

    use reptisand

  5. With reptile carpet you will need to buy at least two pieces so you don't leave the cage bare when you clean it. You will need to change the carpet every time it is soiled with a clean piece. If you don't, the carpet doesn't really absorb odor like other substrates so it can start to smell bad pretty quickly. It is pretty easy to clean the reptile carpet, just follow the directions on the back and always have a clean piece on hand just in case.

    I prefer using aspen bedding for my snakes because I can spot clean it every time they poo rather than disrupt their entire cage.

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