
How easy is it to switch courses at university?

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How easy is it to switch courses at university?




  1. That depends on what you mean by switching courses.  Do you mean switching majors or individual courses?  It also depends on what sort of paperwork your university requires.

    If you mean switching majors, at my school, all you have to do is fill out a form and submit it to the proper people to change your major.  If you're going to a four year university, changing within your first two years doesn't typically cause many problems because most majors have many of the same requirements before admission into the actual study program.  

    If you mean switching individual courses, then you just follow the procedure for adding and dropping classes.

  2. Very easy. Show how keen you are to change and they will let you. You may have an interview and sit some extra exams to prove yourself, if you are going to a better course.  

  3. You can easily swap if you're still only a few weeks into the course, but it depends on the university, the course you're doing now and the one you want to change to. For starters there needs to be enough room on the course. If its a course that has special requirements that you need to fulfil such as work experience then it might be more difficult. If the courses are similar then it should be ok to switch.

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