
How easy is it to withdraw money from cashpoints in E and SE Asia?

by Guest21362  |  earlier

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I'm going traveling around there and my parents say it's vital I take cash and travellers cheques instead of relying solely on my debit card. Obvsiously taking some cash is a good idea but I don't really feel safe carrying $3000 dollars in cash and travellers cheques around with me.

They say you can't get money out of a cashpoint because there aren't many banks there (though they've never been) but then what use would travellers cheques be? And would they even accept them in USD?

Anwers from expeirnece will be most valued.




  1. Having just travelled for three months around SE Asia with only a debit card, I can safely say you will have no problems withdrawing money.  In some places, cashpoints are limited but you can always find one and withdraw a few days cash at a time.

    The only thing I would suggest is having a couple of hundred dollars worth of cash tucked away somewhere, just in case.

    Don't worry and have fun!

  2. You cash in your cash for local currency.  You can also cash in travelers cheques as need occurs. This is safest way. ALways go to a local bank or post office to cash in / get foreign currency. People on streets that offer, and  they will, will rip you off.  Your debit card may not work, or it may be hard to find place to accept it or withdraw money. Use it only in reputable businesses and try as much as possible. But I carry travelers cheques, American Express when I go.....

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