
How easy or difficult would it be for me to get residency??

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how easy or difficult would it be for me to travel to Europe preferable Spain/Britain/France and get residency?

I was thinking about moving abroad after college, and spending a couple years over there getting a feel for another country. How difficult or hard would it also be for me to get a simple job(wouldn't have to be specifically to my degree) that I could live off of decently(enough to travel around Europe?

I'm just really curious. I have other options, but this one sounds like lots of fun.




  1. First of all, you need a visa to study for more than 6 months in any European country, including the UK. To get a visa, you have to apply at the Embassy of the country you have in mind BEFORE travelling. You have to prove you have enrolled on a proper copurse (not some cheap fake designed just to help people get a visa), that you have paid the course fees, that you have a genuine reason for wishing to study that particular course and that there is a genuine reason for not studying it in your own country, that you are able to meet the cost of the course and of your accommodatrion and maintenance WITHOUT WORKING for the duration of your stay (althoug in some countries they MAY let you work part-time once you have your visa and have begun your studies). You also have to convinced the authorities that you are able and willing to follow the course (so don't enrol on a course in brain surgery if you can't spell your name) and - above all - you have to convince them that, at the end of your course, you will pack up and go home and put your new-found knowledge to the benefit of your own community.

    On the whole, you are not allowed to go and work in someone else's coutry just because you want to. The only exception are a few student schemes or the aquisition of a Work Permit, for which the professional qualifications demanded are extremely high.

    Secondly, the term is "Residence"; "Residency" is a place where you live, such as your house or your castle.

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