
How easy to open small business in Melbourne?

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  1. Open a brothel. It's completely legal in Victoria and they're always busy.  I wonder why ?

  2. Very easy.  The first thing you need to do is register your business name with Consumer Affairs Victoria.  There's a small fee involved; and it is compulsory to register under The Business Names Act (1962).

    The next step would be to draw yourself up a business plan.  Usually, this comprises of -

    .  A Business Overview (what your aim is for your business, what location you want your business to operate from, where you plan the business being in a couple of years, etc.)

    . Product or Services (what your business sells or provides, and why your business should be chosen by potential customers)

    .  Market Analysis (you need to checkout what competition there is to your business, and whether the area even needs your product/service)

    .  Marketing Strategy (you need to draw up a list of plans and tools you plan on using to attract customers)

    .  Key Objectives & Financial Overview (you need to list what you want to achieve and how much money you expect to make over certain timeframes)

    There are plenty of websites with information on constructing a business plan, and quite often banks have staff that can help small business operators.  There's also FAQs on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website.  Also, some of the TAFEs offer courses to help small business operators get started.

    Basically, starting a small business is relatively easy - but you need a plan of attack up front.  As the old adage goes ... people don't plan to fail, they fail to plan.

    So do some basic investigative work ... how much it costs to rent shop space (obviously some areas are WAY more expensive than others).  How much will you need to pay staff?  What insurances will you need to take out (ie public liability, WorkCover, etc.)?  Once you start looking into things, you'll find there's lots of little things you need to arrange first before you even open your doors to trade.

    I've operated a couple of small businesses, and they can be a lot of fun and even profitable; so good luck in your endeavours.

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