
How easy would it be for me to move to the USA from the UK?

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I'm 28 and a single mum. I have two children aged 7 and 9. I'm about to start the 3rd year of my degree, and (hopefully) next year will have a Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences. i like to move in abut 12 months when I have my degree. I don't have any friends or family in the US. I don't have and money or assets. Would I have to get a job and house first over there before I moved, or can i go there on a holiday/temp visa then get a job when i'm there? I've spend weeks looking at all sorts of gvmt websites, but they are very confusing.




  1. You can't move here to look for work but need a job offer from a company who will sponsor you for a visa. You then have to apply for the visa from home and can only travel if you get it. Govt. jobs here are generally only for citizens or permanent residents so that's ruled out. Look online for as there is some good information there about what you would need to move.

    Remember there is no NHS here, medical insurance for you and your children could easily cost you over $600 per month. Public schools here also give parents a long list of supplies they need to provide for each of their children. The schools don't provide much at all. It's unlikely you would be able to support your children on what you could earn and you wouldn't qualify for any govt. help.

  2. A h**l of alot easier to move to CanadaI would think. There are plenty of employment oppotunities there. And as Canada is an Ex colony its easier to get a visa.

    Lots of people are emegrating there from uk at the moment because of the cost of living.

    Im not sure if they need social services

    but you could find a website which advertises jobs that are available.

    Plus free heath care for you kids


    Im leaving britan too in two weeks good luck

  3. You need a job proposition first. The work visa is issued through the employer. You can't apply for a work visa yourself.

  4. Will you marry me?? I live in AZ, have a good job and single 40yo.

  5. british citizens dont need a visa for 6month visits i think, so you could go and check it out first,

    but go to this site they are very helpful and know alot of stuff

  6. do not do it. north america is in deep trouble right now, stay away.

  7. Get a visa. Apply for a job early. Get an idea what area and location you want to be at. Then look for a home.

    I agree with guy above. I think Canada would be okay :/

    I wish I can leave the U.S.

  8. Stay where you are!  The grass is NOT greener on the other side.

    I have never lived in the UK but I have visited about 20 times.  There was a time when I would have moved there in a heartbeat.  Glad I didn't.

    I would imagine that the UK has problems with the same things that we do in the states.  America has changed so much that I liken it to Rome or Greece just prior to their downfalls.  Our country is falling apart because of "political correctness" and the very high opinions we have of ourselves.  And don't forget, we are probably the most reviled nation on the globe!  

    If you do not live in the country, move there.  I've enjoyed the country life in the UK more than I imagined.

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