
How easy would it be to make this happen?

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I live in Scotland and i still have 3 years left of high school. But i was thinking about taking a gap year once i leave.

The only place i want to go is New York. Basically im just thinking that once i finish school im going to go to New York for a gap year. Maybe rent a house for 6 months and get a job in Admin or a department store.

I will be 16 nearly 17 when i plan to go to America, how easy would it be to get a place to live and a job to earn the money.

I dont know anyone in new york but i would love a new start and im sure i could make friends while im there.

How much would it cost to get somewhere to live and how easy would it be to make a new start and get a job?




  1. They don't call it high school in Scotland. It's called secondary school

  2. This is easy at all, in fact it is impossible. Firstly to spend more than three months in the U.S. you will require a B2 visa and this is impossible to get considering your age and your country of residence.

    Secondly, if you plan to work, then a company must sponsor and petition you for a work visa, this is also impossible due to your lack of education and the fact that the jobs you would be applying for have no shortage of U.S. citizens and permanent residents of the United States to fill the positions.

    Finally, you would be unable to rent a house or an apartment, get medical insurance or renters insurance due to your age. So you would have nowhere to live. It is also made harder by the fact that you have no credit history or credit rating in the U.S.

    You may as well come as tourist on the VWP (Visa Waiver Program) which gives you a maximum stay of 90 days, however no employment is permitted but this is your only option at this stage of your life.

  3. New York is wildly expensive; think, London, well, maybe not quite as bad.  And, to work legally, you have to have permission from the government, and get what's known as a "green card."

    You might want to finish your education, have a bit more marketable skill, before your move.

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