
How effective are television commercials?

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Does anyone have any stats on how effective they are. Such as the estimated revenue increase after launching a TV commercial. And what sort of person buys something they saw on TV or is it a subconscious thing?




  1. There's a really annoying commercial for anyone who has had open heart surgery and wants to sue a drug company.  It has a beeping sound and a really cheap soundtrack.  More than any other, this commercial makes me want to call and yell at them for having such an annoying commercial and making everyone who has not had open heart surgery listen to their low budget bs commercial.

    The big budget commercials are all about keeping the company name on people's minds.

  2. I don't know of any stats that show even an estimated revenue increase.  However, I tend to think that commercials CAN be very effective.  Have you ever watched a commercial for a restaurant and later started craving food from that restaurant?  Have you ever seen an ad for a new TV/computer/phone/etc. and said to yourself, "That looks really cool.  I would love to have that."  The vast majority of people have those thoughts and feelings.  If it wasn't effective, do you really think companies would spend millions of dollars on advertising?

  3. Having done a lot of advertising, I can tell you that the answer to your question is HIGHLY dependent on what kind of product you are advertising and the kind of creative you use. The answers would have a wide range. What kind of person buys things seen on TV? Human beings. I would guess that there are very few people who have never bought anything that was advertised on TV.

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