
How effective are you at controlling negative thoughts about someone who continues to do you willful harm?

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Edgar Cayce, the great American psychic, said " thoughts are things," and cautioned about the consequences of having negative thoughts.

But if someone continues to torment you and you feel powerless, what do you think of instead? What is the most effective thing victims of persecution have done in the past?




  1. I have no problem thinking negatively about those who have done me harm. I just don't act on them. That's when your thoughts become harmful.

  2. Well I believe your first step is to be assertive. Ask this person if there is anything you have done to offend them and if there isn't then ask them nicely but assertivly to leave you alone. It goes back to when we were children, If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.People treat people a certain way because we let them. Also you have to remember that usually when someone is being unusually rude to people 9/10 times they are projecting what they see in the mirror onto to others to make them feel better about themselves. An effective way to rid your mind of these neg. thoughts would be talk it out with someone you are close with and trust, it will help to hear someone you trust tell you that, that person is full of bull. Positive thinking and positive people are always the best method to keep out neg. thoughts.

  3. Get away from this person

    Stand up for yourself, bullies tend to leave strong people alone

    Thoughts are powerful, as they become actions.  Have positive thoughts about what you can DO to solve the situation, rather than negative thoughts about how harm can come to the bully.  Come up with an action plan, then put it into action.

  4. Extremely good question. Extremely difficult to answer. What comes to mind is a person at work who torments you. I try to distance myself from them or avoid them. Or, if you have a Human Resources dept tell them if it conflicts with your job. But to answer your question ... something made that person that way...and they are probably taking it out on you and it has nothing to do with you. Being quiet or saying nothing can be effective also ... but if you feel constant stress...then action needs to be taken. Good luck.

  5. Meditation.

  6. Bah. If someone is "tormenting" you, take them to court. There are laws against that. Think all the negative things you want, it is good for you to feel the hate, concentrate on it, and get up off your lazy backside and DO something about it.

  7. i can be selfless and understanding, when someone brings me down i know im a good person so i dont let them get to me.

  8. 1.) Ignore

    2.) Ask nicely

    3.) Legal action

    Always do your best to take the high road.

  9. People treat us the way we allow them to.

    And since this person knows how to push your buttons, I'd suggest that you learn to stand up for yourself.

    Some people feed off of any form of attention they can get, whether it's positive or negative.

    And since this person knows they are going to get a response out of you, maybe take all that pent up anger and anxiety and rip them a new one!

  10. I'm not very good at controlling negative thoughts about someone who continues to do me willful harm. In fact I used to do things about it. I would never recommend using the tactics in books found on the link below, but they are fun to think about.

  11. F it.Think about wat U can do in return or wat else that *****'s gonna do next or U can think about wat else to do for the individual to hurt u less den stab back!

  12. this time you need the pervent prayer to need to believe in GOD through Christ.i posted in yahoo group a symbol that opposes such evil thought.try to visit yahoo group and type aqruipnos888 and you will see tha symbol and its oracle in greek.good day!o Theos sas prostatevi!(God protects you!

  13. Agreed--put this person out of your life if you can. If it's a parent, or someone you can't avoid, have the least amount of contact with them that you can.

    Standing up for yourself is also a very good idea, but don't give out the same negativity you get back. Don't go down to their level, IOW. It will make you stronger.

    And sometimes, it's okay to have negative thoughts about someone if what you need is simply to get the emotions OUT. You know what I mean? It's okay to express your emotions. Beat a pillow. Get a nurf bat and beat the heck out of something (a nurf bat will insure you don't damage anything yet is very effective at getting out anger). Write this person a letter and if you can't give it to them, burn it.

    And then do something that makes you feel positive. Exercise is good. Taking a walk. Spend time with someone who makes you feel good.

    And sometimes I just plain ignore them. Some people you can just tell are just mean. Sometimes I just blow it off, let it roll off my back because it's not worth MY getting upset over it. I'm worth more.

    Which one I do depends on how I feel and what I need at the time.

  14. I tell myself to think of them as mentally ill. I also take into account their upbringing..or "downbringing". This happens to me continuously every day....feels like knives being thrown at me.  It really gets to me no matter what "guard" I put up. Sometimes I almost feel like I'm crawling on the ground because of it...(which I know is what they want.) They admitted one time they had learned how to "deal with me". lol (which buttons to push, I guess) I try to avoid them as much as possible..or ignore them..and when they do this..I do less for them (in the way of nice things) I always dread going around them...and that's more good time they steal from me (the time I spend dreading being around them) Some people say to put the white light of the Holy Spirit around you...I have no idea how to make that happen...the words don't seem to work for me.  You're right to call it "torment" because that's what it feels like. They're extremely nice to other people...just not to me.(& I've probably done more for them than most)Good question...maybe we'll both get some good answers.

    Edit..Have you ever noticed how when someone else stands up for you...they usually back down?Try to find someone who will do that for you. I know that once they've driven you to the point of almost "crawling" it's really hard to stand up for yourself. In my would just cause more trouble.

    Edit..I've noticed that whenever I come back at them with what they're putting works to a certain extent..then they twist it and say I acted this way...and the other person doesn't know the other side of the story.  But if I NEVER come back at them  about it...they seem to enjoy keeping on and can't seem to stop themselves. Like I said..maybe they're mentally ill. It helps me cope better to think that. lol

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