
How effective is chelation therapy in children with autism?

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i am looking for alternative methods to treat, my childs condition.




  1. I don't want to worry you but there are reports like th eone I found here which suggest it isn't always the best thing to do

    PORTERSVILLE, Pa. - An autistic boy died after receiving an unproven treatment that some people believe may cure the neurological and developmental disorder, officials said.

    Abubakar Tariq Nadama, 5, had received his third treatment of chelation therapy at a doctor’s office Tuesday before going into cardiac arrest, said Deputy Coroner Larry Barr.

    The staff at Dr. Roy E. Kerry’s office performed CPR on the boy, but he was later pronounced dead in a hospital, Barr said. More tests would be needed to determine the cause of death, he said.

    Some people believe that autism can be linked to a mercury-containing preservative once commonly used in childhood vaccines, and these people sometimes advocate chelation therapy, which causes heavy metals to leave the body through urine.

    The Food and Drug Administration has approved chelation only for acute heavy-metal poisoning that is confirmed by blood tests. Critics call the treatment risky and say there isn’t enough evidence to link autism to mercury or lead toxicity.

    The boy’s mother, Marwa Nadama, said she didn’t blame the therapy, but was waiting for test results.

    Howard Carpenter, the executive director of the Advisory Board on Autism-Related Disorders, said it was just a matter of time before there would be a death linked to the therapy.

    “Parents of children with autism are desperate. Some are willing to try anything,” Carpenter said.

  2. I have not read any data on this but I am aware that a correlation has been observed between autism and certain heavy metals in the blood. Chelation claims to remove heavy metals and toxins from the blood.

    My mother is receiving chelation therapy for other serious health reasons. For her, it will be a long process but she has had good success so far. She is being monitored by her physicial and her blood work has been making steady and significant improvement as she has been taking this therapy.

    I think it is worth exploring. I would at least find a reputable practitioner in your area and  take him for the initial tests and see what they recommend.

    I would also do some research and see if you can find out what people who have tried it experienced.

    Good luck to you

  3. I know a few people who had gave their children (mercury laced) vaccinations, which was then followed by the seizures and early autism onsets, at which point they immediately contacted an alternative medicine doctor, put their kid on chelating agents and the autism never developed.

    However.... from my understanding, this is the most effective the sooner it is done after the initial mercury application.  If you wait a year or two, it may have a beneficial effect (I have seen it being the case, but the evidence here is much more anecdotal), but the primary neurotoxicity of mercury is that it kills the neurons in their initial rapid division to form the nervous system.

    Lastly this is a very good source, read it if you get the chance

    Hope that helps!

  4. I highly reccommend you read this book:

    Dr. Natasha MD has cured many children of Autism, she also believe it is induced by the 3-in-1 MMR vaccine, and relates this to Candida Overgrowth, intestinal dybiosis, and studies by British Gastroenterologists and their intriguing findings of the state of the gut in children with autism.

    She has a clinic in Cambridge, UK, she cures/treats many autistic children, her own children had autism {which she cured}, which has led her to helping other parents.

    I am still reading this book, so I cannot vouch a just review yet, but from what I have read so far, it is great and right on the dot.

    ALEX F gave a great answer also, right on the dot.

    Chelation therapy should be one of your tools for curing Autism, although the protocol outlined by Dr. Natasha needs to be implemented asap for the cure to work. Start by following the anti-candida diet, and anti gluten/caesin diet, this will show dramatic positive results. Start making Kefir at home, make sure your child drinksa glass for breakfast/prior to bed.

    Hope this helps

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