
How effective is hapkido for a girl?

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A girl who knew hapkido put me on the ground with a martial arts throw once (I guess just to prove to me that she could). It was very embarrassing to me at the time, but I got over it.

Supposing the girl was a black belt (I don’t know if she was):

- could she have thrown me even if I had been totally prepared and tried my hardest to stop her from throwing me? (I wasn’t trying my hardest, cause I didn’t think I would need to)

- not that I want to fight her, but what would the chances have been that she would beat me in a real fight?

I am 5'11'' feet and 163 lbs (and a pretty sporty guy) and I think she was about 5'7'' and I’d say 125 lbs (not butch or anything, you really couldn’t tell she was a martial artist from her looks).




  1. It wouldn't have mattered if you had a weapon,if she wanted to put you down she probably could've.

  2. Any1 who is decent in hapkido can smoke you down. I'm 15 and I'm paired with adults in brazilian jiujitsu and I do quite well, hapkido is about muscle control, so i'd advise ya NOT to mess with that girl, she probably knows more about leverage, throws, strikes, and how to pretty much KILL you

  3. Yep Hapkido works for just about anyone if they train hard ! However you dont have a MA background so you have no real concept of how to deal with a person which uses this style which leaves you at a tactical disavantage........

    Never underestimate a woman, Martial Arts doesn't favor gender usually

  4. Quality Hapkido will work for anyone who knows it.

    If you had no MA training, and she did,  then my money would be on her.  MA is not an area where race, gender, or religion have any effect at all.

  5. If the girl was a really good at hapkido, she'd have very good chances of beating you in 10 out of 10 fights. Hapkido isn't about who is biggest and strongest, but rather who has the best technique. A skilled hapkido practioner can actually use the strength and weight of an opponent against him/her.

    Guys often underestimate female martial artists though. Maybe you did too?

  6. If you're not and experienced fighter, don't go up against a martial artist. I'm not saying this girl is unbeatable, it's just not a smart idea. I've studied Hapkido. She could break your arm, from the wrist on up, or she could throw you causing you to land head first on the concrete. She could break your ribs with a kick...swallow your pride, stay away from her.

  7. I think it is a good skill.  You should try taking lessons.

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