
How effective is it to play the victim card ?

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---in racial issues?

---in gender issues?

---in divorce cases?




  1. When people can see right through it, it's not effective at all.

  2. It gets overused, and real victims aren't taken as seriously because of that.

  3. It is usually effective for a short period of time then it then becomes obvious to anyone with even the smallest amount of brains.  People resent this tactic as it is usually used by folks that are incapable of or too lazy to solve their problems using socially acceptable means.

  4. Why would you want to do that? If you are always playing the victim card you are putting yourself out there to always feel like the victim. Have some pride.

  5. Well, as a black woman I can play both the victim & race card but I choose not to because it doesn't get me very far in the end. But I'd say it can be effective but for a straight, black woman like myself--it's not as effective if I were a straight, white woman.

  6. If used by the right people, in the right way, to the right audience, it's incredibly effective. Using it badly can mean incredibly negative effects. It's best to use those cards when you are genuinely being discriminated against, however, many human beings corrupt easily when they have even the slightest bit of power. There are so many people who abuse these cards that it causes people with genuine issues to many times be seen as just another person crying wolf....sadly.

  7. It used to be effective but now everyone claims it - black, white/man, woman, American, immigrant, muslim, christian.  it has no meaning and I'm not sure it really ever did.

  8. It is very overused

  9. I don't think it is very effective. Usually people who play the victim are being enabled to do so by family and friends. Often when they get out into the real world they don't get away with it. Normal people are accountable for their actions. "Victims" find a way to justify their behavior, blame others for their behavior or blame circumstances for their behavior. But most normal people see right through these tactics and don't put up with it for very long if at all.

  10. The victim card is overused and renders actual victims powerless.

  11. It depends on the audience. Most ppl fall for a sob story because most ppl are churning them out themselves. We are not a very evolved humanity in this regard.

  12. Overused, but it seems to work very well in divorce cases for women even if the husband was being the best husband he could be while she was out clubbing and cheating on him.

  13. Even if playing it got you everything you thought you could you live with yourself?  How stupid

  14. It is common, but less effective these days I think.

    Most people who seek to use it, from any of the situations you have listed, do it from a position of intimidation and strength, not from a position of weakness at all.  They expect to be able to use some sort of under-dog appeal to strengthen their position and lend themselves greater credibility.  That is why true victims in any circumstance now have a hard time: so many manipulative bullies have cried victim that society is somewhat cynical.

    In racial issues, whites (especially while Christian males) cannot ever claim victimhood, even when they are true victims.  Political Correctness prevents tese people from ever being considered as anything other that imperialist oppressors.

    Gender issues still see men as oppresors.  Even when men are victims, they are told to just deal with it and are granted no accord despite egregious anti-male sexism.

    In divorce cases, it is much easier for a woman to still claim some sort of victimhood.

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