
How effective is my work-out schedule?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't been running consistently for about 8 months (due to school)- so I lost a lot of my fitness (and gained about 30 pounds). However I have a lot of time on my hands now- so heres my schedule:

- I run in the morning/day for about 15 miles: slow jog w/ small breaks of sprints, hilly terrain)

- rest/work

- I run during the evening/night: casual jog, slow

My meals consist of oatmeal and sphaghetti w/ bread. (I eat a substantial amount by the way- so I cna have enrgy to put in those miles.)

My question: How effective is my work-out? I'm wanting to regain my fitness level (I get winded easily, before I didn't get winded at all...)

Any input is appreciated!




  1. I don't really like your schedule for a number of reasons.  And it would be helpful if you'd tell us exactly how many days a week you do 15 miles.  I simply can't imagine anyone doing 15 miles every day.

    1.  Don't do 2-a-days unless you're an elite athlete working on a goal

    2.  Use the 30%, 20%, 10% mileage schedule

    3.  On your long runs, I'd suggest you eliminate the sprints and work in 1 or 2 days of track work

    4.  Nobody ever recommended a diet consisting of oatmeal, spaghetti, & bread.  Get a diet book and get some protein.

    5.  Take 1 day off with no running

    6.  Always run in the shade

    7.  Stop every 20 minutes for water

    Good Luck

  2. yeah you ll get back in shape if u go for a 15 mile jog daily. and since ur meals consist of carbohydrates which is perfect to burn. u ll b 6 packin in no time.

  3. Is great, you should soon see results!  but try running at different places with different terrains, that way you dont get bored easily and your feet and legs can adjust more easier and strengthen themselves! also try eat more nutritional foods, like oatmeals, salads, yogurts, things with low cab/fat and high in proteins/vitamins!

  4. Just remember the quickest way to improve is to lose some weight, which will happen with your running.

    Consistancy in training is a key element.

    You are doing a lot of running, but I see in another ? that you are a marathoner.

    I think you need a bit of variety in your running program as you can get bored. Also if you are just getting back into running then you have certainly jumped in the deep end first - take it easier as tiredness could be over training. Also get you ferritin blood levels checked, they should be over 30.

    Here is what I call my base program which I have based on your 15 mile runs. Secondary runs should be just slow jogs, but I would concentrate on your main training runs first and get back into second runs when you are on top of your program. You might want to do some time trial/races just to check on your speed levels.

    Mon  5 min fast/ 5 min jog x 3 @ 2 mile race pace

    Tues  15 mile run or 1.5 hours

    wed   20 - 30 min tempo run @ 30 sec - 1 min. slower than 10 km race pace. Should be striding out nicely without a great effort.

    Thur  as for Tues - could do these on hills - these are easy recovery days

    Fri  Rest or 8-10 x 100 sprint/300 jog around a track

    Sat  Timetrial 5km - even paced race effort no sprinting

    Sun  1.5 - 2.5 hours easy

    ALl faster work should have a warmup & warm down component of running, stride outs and stretches.

    This is a great base program and just work into it. Wed could be another easy run day if tired, and that should be the case for any day. Try not to have more than 2 days off in a week.

    Blood renews itself in the body ever 6 or 12 weeks so after these periods you should see good improvement.

    Need an all round diet. does not seem many vegetables or fruit or meat


  5. Your schedule is pretty effective, but you really should get more protine in your diet like fish and beef. It will help you build more muscles and  give you more energy.

    But yeah as long as you stick to your 15 min a day and every once in a while go up a little more then you should lose weight in no time!

  6. The workout sounds great, but the diet is a little iffy. You might want to eat something other than spaghetti like fish or baked breaded chicken to compensate for protein.  

  7. That seems a little too much to be running 15 miles a day when you're just getting back in shape.  How many days a week are you running?  If you're running only one or two days a week, it's better to just spread out the milage in your week and have more frequent, intense workouts, rather than a few really long ones.

    As for the diet, you should eat more learn proteins and vegetables, rather than a whole lot of carbs.  Eating purely carbs, even when running, is not all that healthy.  You need a balanced diet to get maximum results.

    Best of luck. :)

  8. 15 miles??? thats a lil much! your hurting your body more than anything! You need to incorerate some weightlifting to burn fat. If you run that much everyday you should be able to run a marathon- piece of cake!

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