
How effective is the United Nations in the world today?

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How effective is the United Nations in the world today?




  1. Still the most powerful nation, but in a few years China and Russia will be the only super powers.

  2. Less than zero.


  4. Not effective. A world order organization will never solve problems by enforcing sanctions, and resolutions. The UN is a joke, it only created the MidEast conflict by establishing Israel, and having a laughable army that is funded, and financed thru tax-payers money from the US. The only way that people can solve their problems is without other countries interfering. I say, in my opinion, it shouldn't exist.

  5. It is run by countries all tugging for their own interests, therefore it isn't effective in ways it needs to be.

  6. I personally believe that it is not nearly as effective as it could be. The United Nation's real goal is to make one world government. But that is not what it was created for.

    The United Nations, in my perspective, is using their power to break up wars between nations and distribute needed food to help people that abide by UN rules only. United Nations wont help out a country that doesnt politically agree with the UN. I believe that the UN uses their aid as a political bargain chip, as in, "if you do what I say I will give you aid."

  7. Almost worthless.

  8. It isn't as effective as it used to be or as it could be. It should be noted as well that the organisation has now officially permitted itself to be run by the security council, to such a compromising position that should any other non-security member mention anything, they are bound to never to be heard.Therefore, five countries can choose as they see fit over what is good and bad for over 150 countries.

    Looking into the fundamentals of the UN, we all agree that another global war would be catastrophic and to me that's the only reason why the organisation is there. When it gets broken down to matters on the lines of human rights and health, at the end of the day it boils down to how does the actual government representing the population care about the population itself. Most of them do not seem to care and this could explain reasons why we're stuck with bureaucratic winglets of the UN on the lines of UNHRC and the like.

    Some divisions of the UN have done their worth over decades :

    - UNICEF : Children are the ones who often bear the brunt of disasters worldwide, most  of them man-made. Adults are the ones who impose such conditions to everyone and never really children.

    - IMF + UNESCO : Many underdeveloped countries relied on the IMF to set up formal education structures in their home states, and improve literacy.

    - UNHCR : They have put fundamental framework for human rights, and in honest fact UNHRC should fall under this wing of the UN.

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