
How effective would be the Global Warming Awareness traffic sense team in Students by NGO's?

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Global Warming Awareness & traffic sense by NGO prothsahanteam in Delhi & other areas. This activity need to be publicise sothat we can make our students aware about the environmental situation and its worse effects.

Traffic sense in students will certainly decrease the accidents ratio on roads ( most of them students driving on bike without any desired precautions, which leads such mishappening).

we every one should come forward and support such NGO's activity as these activities need no money. We should share our time for Nation as well.




  1. yes it ll really work...see !fuel burning is one of the major cause of global produce CH4(methane),nitrates,co2 e.t.c...co2 is thought for responsible for global friends u may get shocked  to know that the one methane molecule absorb 100 time more heat than oneco2 awareness ll work...

  2. global warming is a crock.  there are better causes.

  3. About as effective as an old bull who can't get it up anymore.

  4. it is not very effective as it is not contrebuted by most of the people

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