
How else can I get omega 3 into my diet?

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I have Fibromyalgia and I know that omega 3 is very important in any diet as well as mine. The problem is, the best way to get it into your diet is to add fish......unfortunately I am ALLERGIC to fish and seafood. Surprisingly I can manage to eat shrimp without a whole lot of problems but everything else.. well let's just say I have seen my share of ER's. What other foods are good sources of omega 3's?




  1. Im not sure about foods.  I know there are certain veggies like tomatos or broccoli or something carrots maybe, but i cant be certain.  However, you can buy vitamin supplements.  They have some specifically omega 3.

  2. take a vitamin supplement  

  3. pills really if you're allergic to fish. Shrimp will only give you colesterol which i hate 'cause i love shrimp:)

  4. You can get omega3's from walnuts! You can also buy this milk in the supermarket which contains omega3's. There are also "omega3 fish oil" capsules you can get in the pharmacy, but if you are allergic to seafood, these may not agree with you.

  5. flaxseeds or oil, and walnuts are good sources.

    There are two major types of omega-3 fatty acids in our diets: One type is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is found in some vegetable oils, such as soybean, rapeseed (canola), and flaxseed, and in walnuts. ALA is also found in some green vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, and salad greens. The other type, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is found in fatty fish. The body partially converts ALA to EPA and DHA.

    We do not know whether vegetable or fish omega-3 fatty acids are equally beneficial, although both seem to be beneficial. Unfortunately, most Americans do not get enough of either type. For good health, you should aim to get at least one rich source of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet every day. This could be through a serving of fatty fish (such as salmon), a tablespoon of canola or soybean oil in salad dressing or in cooking, or a handful of walnuts or ground flaxseed mixed into your morning oatmeal.

    for Fibro a combination of flaxseed and borage oil is a good choice

    Recent research suggests that ALA can regulate immune response and may play a beneficial role in the clinical management of auto-immune disease. GLA may also modulate or regulate immune function.

    Dosage: Add 30 grams of milled flax seed daily to your diet. Flax seed may be added to breads, salads, cereals, and other foods.

  6. Hello, I just finished reading a book that listed some other sources that contain omega 3 and here are some of them:



    Pumpkin seeds

    hempseed oil

    Hope this helped.  

  7. Cereal! Surprisingly, children's cereal has more vitamins and a lot less sugar than those 'healthy' cereals. Check the labels on your favorite indulgent cereal and I bet you will be surprised!

  8. Milk + Butter- it normally states on the packet which makes include lots. If not you could always take vvitiamins but they all taste really horrid!

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