
How else can I market my new barbershop to men customers?

by  |  earlier

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I just opened a new mens barbershop 4 weeks ago and have had trouble attracting more of a walk in clientèle to the shop, my regulars from my last place of employment are coming in but where are all of the other guys in the area is what I keep asking myself? I have ran numerous ads with coupons in all of the local papers. Guys where would you look to find a new barber or where are some places I may try to advertise at other then the local papers? How do you select the place where you get your hair cut? I am looking for new ways to attract new customers to our new business... its a nice upscale shop not an average clip joint!! Thanks for any feedback!




  1. I started always going to Supercuts in our town.  I get a $2 coupon everytime so it costs $12.  Also, I have a businescard that they mark each time I get a haircut.  My 11th cut is free.  I also like the fact that I can always call them and they will let me know if there is a wait.  Lastly, they generally work fast.  I get my haircuts during my lunch break.  A 15 minute good job is better than a 45 minute very good job for me.

  2. advertise on your vechicle its a great cheap form of advertising.

  3. You may try a direct mail campaign aimed at men of a particular age, income, or career status - whatever would be your ideal type of customer.

    Find a list broker that can get you criteria on men that buy certain hair or grooming products. They will generally have just what you need.

  4. Hire somebody to deliver FREE HAIRCUT coupons to every man leaving your competition.

    There is a 50% chance they will visit you when they need a new haircut and if they like your haircut then there is a 50% chance of going back to your business when they need a second haircut.

    To increase your chances, give them an ALMOST FREE HAIRCUT coupon (50% OFF) to the ones that actually go to your business for a FREE HAIRCUT before they leave.

    Upscales shops don't work in economic recessions.

    I suggest you to become a "The only way you are getting a cheaper haircut is if your mother does it for you for FREE" shop.

    This only for a while (Until the economic recession is gone)

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