
How else can i inflate my bike tyre?

by  |  earlier

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so im the guy who asked if i could use propane to fill my bike tyre and as it turns out the propane tank outback is empty, it would of cost me more to fill the tank then to buy a new bike pump, i thought about using the lpg tank out of my car but then it hit me "if im going to walk to my car i may as well get in it and drive for a minute to the shops to buy a bike pump intead of spending 3 hours ripping apart my lpg system" so what house hold objects can i use to inflate the tyres, i thought about water, and aeresol cans, but neither of them seem smart, i rigged togethor a computer fan and a funnel to push air into the tyre but the air kept comin out faster then the fan would push it in, halp?




  1. Man.....just get a bike pump!  lol   :o)

    None of the things you mentioned (and probably not the Shopvac idea that MR mentioned) will work....they won't build up enough pressure to actually inflate the tire enough to ride on.  I guess you could use an aerosol can, but whatever is inside that can might react with the butyl innertube and melt it or compromise its ability to hold, you'd probably be adding liquid weight in there, which would be a drag.  

    You can get a pump at Walmart for $'s a cheapie but it'll work for a little while.  Better pumps go from $15 to $50.   Or, pick up a mini air compressor that you might be able to use around the house for other things.  

    Kinda funny that a stupid little valve on a bike tire demands something so specialized, huh?   :o)

  2. Have you contemplated using a shop vac? Give it a shot and let me know.

    BTW, shop vacs are found in a natural state at -160 degrees F... so be careful!!!!

    I have an idea!!! Overfill your car tires. Drive home, rig a rire to tire air tube and fill the cycle tires from your car tires. Better yet, use high pressure truck tires you could fillthem over 100psi.  


  3. You need something specifically designed for a tire. You need the chuck on  a bicycle pump and would need to attach the hose to any other source of pressure. Sounds like that is far more work than buying a pump. If you have schrader valves (same as cars) you can use any car pump such as at a gas station. However that is usually not recommended since you can overinflate your tire and blow it up.

    So yeah, the easiest thing to do is get a bike pump.

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