
How else can i take weed without smoking it? And what are the risks? Facts please

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How else can i take weed without smoking it? And what are the risks? Facts please




  1. go online and look up "cannabutter recipes". heating it up in butter extracts the THC, then you can cook it in brownies, cookies or spread it on toast.

    However, if you make it too strong you will have severe anxiety attacks. Good luck. Don't get busted, it smells when you heat it up.

  2. you can cook it into any kind of fatty substance like butter or oil and then cook with that.  marijuana is one of the safest drugs known to man. it doesn't kill brain cells its a lie. you can look up studies done by the Harvard doctor Lester Grinspoon in his book marijuana the forbidden medicine if you don't believe me.  there aren't many risks to it other than it making you stoned.  they do sell products in california for medical patients that have it cooked in it all ready like chocolate bars.

  3. u can put it in cake or brownies, although it takes alot more to get you stoned when you eat it rather than smoke it.. so be prepared to spend some extra money cuz a dime isnt gonna do it.  

  4. make a brownie or firecracker.. those do the job.

    and there arn't any risks. its better for you than smoking it because youre not inhaling the smoke into your lungs and all that.

    just look up online how to make firecrackers & the brownies and youre set (:

  5. you can make tea with it. or bake it.-blurey

  6. I make some cakes with it, as I don't smoke, I take it to relieve pain and have been using it for 5 years without any side effects.

  7. Put some in a cake!

    Paranoia can be an effect of marijuana but personally after smoking it for years I was fine...

  8. Whatever way you take it, it still slowly kills off the brain cells. I am not being rude but it is a fact and if you are taking other medicines they can be affected, in the UK it is an offence if the police catch you.

  9. Cannabis Sativa is specifically indicated for Glucoma, otherwise it is a toxin to the body, which is actually your Temple When I was a stupid teenager, I smoked it and sold it, but then I learned about mantra meditation, and found that to be the best, free high, with no side effects. Pot has THC which is harmful to your liver. Taking intoxicants is the sign of a materialistic society that is living in a spiritual void. THe risk , karmically, is being born into a lwer species of life next time around. Trees are a symptom of one who is put into a state of lower consciousness. Please dont prepare yourself to become a tree. People have no discrimination why they chop them down, and the karma they will get for that as well.

  10. bake it into something

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