
How embarrassing is this?

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Have any other girls here on Y! Answers ever let a f**t out in a really quiet place like a movie theatre or classroom?

If you have were you really embarrassed or not?




  1. As long as it isn't smelly!

  2. haha yeh but i just turn around when everyone else does to look for who it was acting like it wasnt me loollll

  3. yes i do it daily

  4. haha omg I do in class and I blame it on others

  5. Ha Ha - I was on a first date once and we were walking home arm in arm - when I let one slip - whoops - I was motified but made out it was no big deal and he was actually really cool with it - :-p

  6. hahahha of course i was

    i rmember those momentS

    it was hilarious !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i actually did in the hall , there was exactly NOONE expt me and 2 other of my friends

    it was dead hilarious , embarassing YES

    but still , it didnt teach me a lesson lmao

    take it as a joke but of course its embarassing

  7. yes and it's not embarrassing it's natural it's not like nobody ever hasn't done it  

  8. i always f**t its normal why be embrassed  

  9. its like a second out of your whole life, in the grand scale of things, is it really worth worrying about?  

  10. its natural, why be embaressed

  11. Of course! Just forget about it. It's perfectly natural.

  12. At first I was, that's normal!

    Just remember that EVERYONE farts. After I remembered this, I was alright.

  13. I farted while taking a test to get into this fancy smance private school. All the rich kids were like "wtf!"

  14. just go with it

    it can be embarrassing

    but hey

    we all do it

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