
How embarrassing would this be?!

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What about people asking someone when they baby is due and they are NOT pregnant? That is why that one never slips off MY tongue!!!!!! I've heard of people doing that one....(sorry if you were one of these folks, it happens!)




  1. My wife got such a big yeast infection that everyone pointed and thought they saw the baby's head coming out. Some lady asked us when the triplets were due and i said fukc you lady!

  2. you can always choose to ignore the questions of the ignorant and rude people.  wear more flattering clothes.

  3. Haha, a lot of people ask my mom that.

    But she just responds, "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat."

    It's halarious, the people that ask get soo embarassed!

  4. Yes it is embarrassing - I did that one with a workmate who was trying to conceive madly and couldn't - turns out that she was just standing with her tummy poking out and really did look pregnant

    And I congratulated her! Woo Hoo, big mistake and apologies galore!!

  5. maybe they should be me frame fitting clothes and they wouldn't get confused for a pregnant chick!!

  6. One day after a particularly hard day at work, I decided that I just wanted to be lazy and watch movies and eat c**p. So I stopped at the grocery store, and I picked up a cheesecake and a can of chilli. I took them to the register and the girl said "Oh, looks like a good dinner!" to which I responded, "yeah, I was just craving it". Apparently this gave her license to ask me "Oh! When are you due?" I was pretty much pissed, and came home, told hubby about it, and proceeded to eat a salad with light dressing on the couch. =/

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