
How encourage Kosovo Serbs to became citizens in a New Kosovo state?

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Kosovo will be independent whether, one likes it or not. (Simple fact 90% of the population want independence. Nothing can stop them)

Most of Kosovo is Albanian but a small minority 7% is Serbian.

In the New Independent Kosovo these Serbs will have many rights, Right to their own schools, TV stations, Serbian will be official language etc..

They will have extra influence in parliament, 12% of seats are reserved only for them and 2 posts in the cabinet

So if Serbs are smart they can have a very good life in Kosovo. But Serbian minority are being intransigent and refusing to engage in a new Kosovo state.

This only causes Kosovo Serbs themselves to suffer because they are now living in ghettos relying on handouts from Belgrade, who doesn't care for them and uses them as a political pawns.

What should be done because Kosovo Serbs are still living in the past that has not existed for 500 years. How to encourage them for the future.




  1. We have Kosovo dream as American dream, you know.

    There is no place for Albanian from Albania. We want it for us from Kosova only.

    I was ok with Serbijanci. Boght a house very cheep from Serbijan scared family, finished my univercity with Serbijan money. Nice people 4business.

  2. Serbs are people with a heart

    They no hide

    You want to be a Serb, but no way


  3. Nice lies you said there...Serbs already met your tolerance many times,we don't need it again.And just that some population infests one region it doesn't mean it can be separated from the motherland.

    P.S.Change your stupid nickname,don't lie you are Serbian when it is obvious you are a troll.

  4. Serbians and Albanians must remove their ethnic roots to become full blooded Kosovans if they want to have a separate country called Kosovo.

  5. you know what.....KOSOVO IS SERBIAN>>>The End of story!

    P.S. By the way your nickname is afoul everubady here can see that you are not Serb!

  6. They will be Kosovo citizens by default. They might have citizenship from Serbia or Montenegro as well which I believe they will be strongly encouraged to keep them.

    Not only Serbs, but all residents of Kosovo have rights to their own schools, TV stations, etc. And Serbian is already one of the official languages.

    If you want them to integrate into the larger Kosovo community, you should be patient. It takes time. Belgrade is still trying to use Kosovar Serbs by scaring them that Kosovar Albanians will harm them.

    Some of them are already working for police in many cities and towns, they work with OSCE, NATO and KFOR.

    They have businesses in the cities and provide services the general public.

    They work at the airport and hospitals.

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