
How environmentally damaging is cigarette smoking?

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How environmentally damaging is cigarette smoking?




  1. The butts foul groundwater, thats it.The smoke cant hurt the enviroment. An unextinguished butt may however burn down a lot.

    Oh I tend to carry lil pockek ashtrays.

  2. Tobacco is organic matter. Burning it damages the environment about as much as burning wood in your fireplace does. Tobacco releases carcinogens when burned, as do most other organic compounds. The carcinogens, when inhaled directly by the smoker, raise the lifetime risk of contracing certain cancers by up to 2%.

    Second-hand smoke contains carcinogens, but so do asphalt fumes. The increased lifetime risk of contracting, for example, lung cancer from second-hand smoke is around 0.1% for the general population that is exposed no more than eight hours per day. Increased lifetime risks of any disease from second hand smoke are all in that same range. For comparison, the increased lifetime risk of cancer from eating folate-enriched pasta is about the same, as is the increased lifetime risk of taking a class of cholesterol-lowering drugs.

    Second hand smoke is unpleasant, no one believes it is good for you. It can be particularly harmful to especially young children (although they outgrow that vulnerability fairly quickly). Cigarette butts are an enormous litter problem, although the tobacco itself is 100% biodegradeable.

    Campaigns to stop smoking because it is bad for smokers make eminent sense. Campaigns to criminalize smoking through comprehensive public smoking bans, because of the "demonstrated enormous public health problem of second hand smoke," are scams diverting public health resources from more serious problems and setting us on a slippery slope toward further infringement of liberty. If two parents and their children start a cross-country trip in New Jersey, cross the Delaware River Bridge with the radio blaring at 88 decibels, then on the west side of the bridge both parents begin chain smoking non-stop to San Francisco with the radio off, most of the damage to the children's health will have been done in the five minutes it took to cross the bridge.

  3. About 0.00000001% as much as exhaust fumes or factory fumes. Sit in a car with the windows closed, smoking  cigarettes, see how long you can stay there, do the same with engine running & hose connected to exhaust, see how long you can stay there. Not to long, you'll be dead.

  4. it pollutes your body and the other people around you. as far as the world pollution, we could be using the crop land for food instead of poison. they do give off co2 along with other poisons. and making them is probably damaging as well. some children are enslaved to make them.

  5. how many cigarettes equal an average power station in the amount of fuel it burns every day.

    a single car that burns 3 gallons of fuel every day, is equal to 100 packets of cigarettes.

    the problem is you don't pass the exhaust fumes of a power station, or even a car, through your lungs.

  6. i quit smoking almost a month ago!  it is the best decision i've ever made, for real.  if you smoke, i'm tellin ya, quit!!  i had wellbutrin SR that i take for depression, but it made something click in my head that i don't need ciggarettes anymore.  and i just stopped.  just like that!  after smoking a pack and a half a day for 6 straight years.  i recommend wellbutrin.  because smoking is so damaging to this beautiful earth, and our beautiful bodies.  i have gained back this energy in my life that i haven't felt in a long time.. it's absolutely worth quitting.  there is no positive that smoking can bring.

  7. Other than hot carbon dioxide being expelled by the anti-smokers more probably minute

    Not to forget Noise pollution of those anti's who like to cough while im smoking outside(get a life and practice what you preach respect my right i just may respect your morons)

  8. Besides killing 440,000 nonsmokers each year, it's not too bad.

    One dolphin that died had it's stomach filled with cigarette butts.

    My cardiologist told me that's the reason for my clogged arteries and I have never smoked.

    It's not too bad if the smokers would keep the second hand tobacco smoke to themselves and let us breath clean fresh air.

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